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Domov » Bohúňova paleta » 2024


Bohúň´s Palette 2024                                                

Proposals for XXVII. year of the Bohúň Palette International Art Competition:
Peter Michal Bohúň Art School under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Municipal House of Culture in Bielsko-Biala in Poland.
The competition's goal is the students' subjective expression based on observation and knowledge of facts and events, activities and experiences and establishing a deeper relationship with their surroundings.
Authors between the ages of 4 and 20 participate in the categories: up to 7 years, up to 11 years, up to 15 years and up to 20 years, i.e. pupils of kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and secondary vocational schools of any type and focus.
We accept works of any format made in the following techniques: drawing, painting, graphics, combined techniques with the possibility of using and experimenting with new non-traditional materials (plastics, metals, secondary material, etc.), photography and computer graphics. Competition papers must be marked with the following information: author, age, school address, and country. Each author sends only one competition work. Works in electronic form will not be accepted and must not be pasted.
Author's works of participants XXVII. of the international art competition "Bohúň's Palette" are accepted until May 15, 2024, at the address: ZUŠ Peter Michal Bohúň, Matúškova 1632/5, 02601 Dolný Kubín, Slovak Republic.
The competition is one round with a central finish. Competition papers will be assessed by an international expert jury (their composition will be published in the catalogue of the results). The jury will decide on awarding diplomas in the gold, silver and bronze bands and honourable mentions in each category. The work (work detail), awarded the main prize, becomes the logo of the competition year and will be printed on the front page of the result catalogue.
The jury will award an honourable mention for the best collections of works. The competition results will be published by June 28, 2024, on the Peter Michal Bohúň School of Education website. Each participating school will receive a Commemorative letter and a result list. The author of the award-winning works will be sent a diploma and the competition catalogue in electronic form.
Competition theme: Ordinary and extraordinary friendship - forms of friendship, the power and meaning of friendship for humans, the first symbioses (man – animals – plants), book friendships... (the theme may include a portrait, a figure, a figurative composition in the interior, exterior).
A paraphrase of a work of art remains part of the competition.
In addition to traditional techniques - drawings, paintings, graphics, combined techniques, we also welcome photography, computer graphics and spatial works.
Awarded works will be exhibited in the Municipal House of Culture in Dolny Kubín, and the Municipal House of Culture in Bielsko-Biala. Other works will be exhibited according to the spatial possibilities of the above-mentioned exhibition organisers.
The announcer of the competition reserves the right to publish the awarded and other works in the press and exhibition activities. The publisher will not return the works to the authors, they remain in his archive and the authors, by participating, give their consent to their free use for promotional purposes of the competition.
By registering for the competition, the legal representative of the participant of the competition gives consent to the processing of personal data in the scope of name, surname, age, and address of the school or facility to the organiser of the competition following Act 122/2013 Coll. About the protection of personal data. These data will be used in the promotional materials of the current year of the competition, possibly in the results list and will be published on the website of the competition organizer. Consent is given for 2 years. Consent can be revoked at any time in writing at the postal address of the contest organizer.
COMPETITION RESULTS: The results of the competition will be published on the school's official website www.
CONTACT : ZUŠ P. M. Bohúňa, tel. contact: +421/43/5862052 Matúšková 1632/5, 026 01 Dolný Kubín, Slovakia